ProForce® II Male Tuck Under Cup


A ProForce II Male Tuck Under Cup Groin Protector is lightweight, protective equipment. The Groin Protector enables the cup to tuck under…


ProForce® II Male Tuck Under Cup

A ProForce Male Tuck Under Cup is lightweight, protective equipment. The Unique design enables the cup to tuck under the groin.

You can’t walk past or scroll through the groin protectors section when looking for protective gear for sports or martial arts training. As a crucial protective material for men, they prove exceptionally useful for MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and other martial arts.

Key Features: Cup and supporter covered with dense foam. Two-inch waistband to cup in place. Requirement for boys and men in all tournaments.

If you are starting your journey as a martial artist, you’ll need a groin protector that stays in place and provides complete coverage. And that’s where ProForce® Male Tuck Under Cup comes in!

  • Elastic Waistband: The protective gear stays in place without much effort, thanks to the 2” thick elastic waistband. You won’t need to adjust the cup every few minutes because the waistband prevents it from moving.
  • Cup to Tuck: With dense foam and a lightweight plastic cup protecting the front, the design of the ProForce®Male Tuck Under Cup provides better coverage than most of its competitors. The foam can also absorb shock, so you won’t have to stop training for long if you get hit. Both materials are durable and covered with vinyl to ensure a long life.

Add ProForce® Male Tuck Under Cup to your cart so you can be ready for your martial arts training soon!






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