6 Things You Need to Prepare For Survival Mode
From the threat of World War III to natural calamities, you never know which disaster is awaiting you. The intelligent thing to do is proactively prepare for all possibilities of mishap that might come your way. After all, you can always get propelled into survival mode without warning.
If you want to be ready for all kinds of disasters, you should always have a survival kit in your house. Here are all the essentials you’ll need to keep in the kit.
1.Flashlights and Candles
In case of disasters, you may face prolonged power outages. In this case, some flashlights (battery powered), backup batteries, and candles can be very useful in providing illumination for you and your family.
2.Survival Food
Canned foods and other non-perishable food items are items essential for your survival kit. Make sure to keep checking the expiry date on these items and keep updating them regularly to stay prepared for any kind of disaster.
3.Sleeping Bags and Tents
You might need shelter and protection when disaster strikes. In this situation, you should always have tents, body warmers, and sleeping bags handy for yourself and your family. These things can provide you with temporary shelter until you get help.
4.First Aid Kit
Your survival kit should include a proper first aid kit with all the basic things you may need in emergencies. It can include aspirin, bandages, gauze, mild painkillers, alcohol swabs, scissors, and a thermometer.
5.Hygiene and Sanitation Items
If you’re stuck in a disaster, hygiene and sanitation can quickly become a major problem. You’ll need basic hygiene items like sanitizers, hand wash, soap, and shampoo that are enough for you and your family.
6.Non-Lethal Weapons
In threatening situations, your survival mode should also include non-lethal weapons. From pepper spray to tasers, these weapons can help you defend yourself from predators.
Get It All at PDM Self Defense
Are you looking for high-quality survival kits and unique self-defense products to keep in your house? You’ll get everything you need at PDM Self Defense!
We provide complete survival kits and have a wide range of non-lethal self-defense products that can prepare you for disasters. You can shop batons, tasers, electronic control weapons, escape sticks and a lot more at our onlineshop.
Do you need more information about our comprehensive survival kits and unique and non-lethal weapons? Give us a call now, and our team will give you all the information you need!