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Check out the square-hand target for martial arts training. It’s simply a piece of training equipment to make sparring easier for taekwondo, boxing, or kickboxing trainees, but a ProForce Velocity Square Hand Target can prove you wrong!
You’d be right to think that there’s nothing special about a square-hand target for martial arts training. It’s simply a piece of training equipment to make sparring easier for taekwondo, boxing, or kickboxing trainees, but ProForce Velocity Square Hand Target can prove you wrong!
It’s an all-new design with a bigger size to allow the striker to practice their punches and kicks.
It also features a reinforced handle and adjustable lower strap, so the trainer does not have to get hit by a striker in case the target slips from their hands.
The internal foam is impact-resistant, making each punch or kick an effective strike for the target. The puncher or kicker is also safe from getting injured due to an accidentally hard strike.
Add ProForce® Velocity Square Hand Target to your cart today!
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PDM Self Defense evolved from our need to provide reliable, effective, trustworthy, and unique self-defense products
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